Admission to the Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts programmes at the Haute école de musique de Genève (HEM) is by competitive examination.

There is no age limit for admission, but the assessment of development potential is a fundamental criterion in the selection of candidates. In cases of equal quality, preference is given to younger candidates.

Candidates may express a wish regarding the professors whose courses they wish to follow. As far as possible, this will be taken into account. Courses are taught in French, and students must have a minimum knowledge of the language, corresponding to level B1 for Bachelor students, A2 for Master students and B1 for the Master in Music Pedagogy (European Framework of Reference for Languages CEFR). Students admitted to the HEM who do not have this basic level will be required to take the French courses offered at the HEM.

Complementary admissions for harp - Mrs Sarah Verrue's class

  • Deadline for submission of admission applications : 16.08.2024 (download admission form)
  • Deadline for submitting video recordings : 23.08.2024
  • Remote admission interviews on 29.08.2024 (morning)
  • General music training test on 02.09.2024 (by invitation for Bachelor candidates)

Conditions for 2024-2025 admissions

The admission tests will be based on a video recording sent by the candidates, with the exception of the following disciplines:

  • Orchestral conducting
  • Choir conducting
  • Music and Movement/Eurythmics (BA and MA)
  • Music at school
  • Maestro al cembalo and baroque ensembles conducting
  • Piano accompaniment
  • CAS in Chamber Music
  • DAS in Orchestral Practice

which will take place face-to-face according to the test calendar 2024-2025 :

The second tests for the following majors and options will also be held in person, according to the test schedule:

  •  Master orchestra
  •  Master concert, contemporary music option
  •  Master concert, performer-composer option
  •  Master concert, chamber music option
  •  Master soloist

Deadline for submitting entries: 1 March 2024.
Deadline for sending video recordings: 18 March 2024 (at 12:00 noon sharp).

The Bachelor's and Master's application form sets out the admission requirements, as well as the information and documents to be provided, and is to be completed online.

Admissions Bachelor: applications documents and form
Admissions Master: applications documents and form

Graduates and professional musicians wishing to improve their skills in specific areas can follow one of the continuing education courses (CAS or DAS) offered by the HEM.
