
Applied pedagogy workshop

This course is a laboratory for ideas, discussions, observation, readings with comments, creative experiences and analysis of pedagogical situations. 

It enables the students to put their academic training and their personal story in touch with one another, through a new and resourceful look.

The students are asked to teach their peers, who give them collaborative feedback, and are themselves enriched by this communal experience.

The heart of the class is based on active and reflexive practice, with the group doing an activity based on constructive proposals, via an adaptation for the exercises given by the student, whatever the material chosen:  improvisation, theory or rhythm.

The class validates the student’s professional training based on the Jacques-Dalcroze method, by stimulating their capacity for transmitting information. It encourages them to get a better sense of their originality, and their specific strengths, so as to enable them to throw themselves into a professional future that is open and dynamic.

Thanks to the varied artistic and pedagogical pathways of the professors, the class makes it possible to teach all age groups and all types of pupil, with their associated characteristics, by seeking out fruitful discussions in order to find suitable, creative solutions.  


Pascale Rochat-Martinet

Professor of Experimental Workshop: Applied Pedagogy - Keyboard Harmony and Dalcroze Writing - Instrumental Improvisation - Improvisation for Movement and Teaching

Holder of the advanced diploma from the Institut Jaques-Dalcroze, Pascale Rochat-Martinet furthered her education with choral conducting studies in Paris, classical singing at the Conservatory of Lausanne, and training for seniors at the Institut Jaques-Dalcroze. She is also involved in the creative group "Aldente," which combines music, theater, and movement. Passionate about pedagogy, she has created numerous rhythmics-solfege courses at the Conservatory of Lausanne, leading her students to certification. Currently, she teaches piano improvisation, rhythmics, and solfege at the Haute école de musique de Genève (HEM) as well as at the Haute école de musique de Lausanne (HEMU). Her teaching is directed towards rhythmicians, future piano teachers, and concert performers. She is regularly invited to teach at international higher education institutions and universities. Always seeking to refresh and renew her teaching methods, she has undertaken jazz piano studies. Improvisation being her specialty, she also practices this discipline in various fields: organ improvisation, accompanying Gospel singers, and creating music for podcasts. Her artistic journey is rich, varied, and eclectic. Pascale Rochat-Martinet loves to share her joy of music with everyone, without distinction.

Pascale Rochat

Departments and associated courses


Quand j'ai découvert le département Musique et mouvement de la HEM, ça a été un vrai coup de foudre !

Laurence Monbaron Etudiante en 3e année du Bachelor of Arts en Musique et mouvement