
Multimedia composition

Multimedia composition is an emerging, innovative and inter-disciplinary domain that merges the art of musical creation with other artistic fields, often amplified in a digital and interactive dimension.

Multimedia composition weaves together music, the visual arts, artistic technologies and digital interactivity. The fruit of this alchemy is an avant-garde space dedicated to multi-sensoral experiences, which questions and updates our traditional approach to listening to music.

Fluid and dynamic by their very nature, multimedia works immerse the listener in highly responsive, ever-changing worlds. Beyond listening and the other senses, they captivate us, submerge us and sometimes even offer the listener the ability to influence how the experience unfolds.  Each composition is perceived as a living entity, inviting us on a unique journey during each performance.

At the Haute école de musique de Genève (HEM), multimedia composition is explored from a perspective that is both conceptual and practical, not least with themes from multi-disciplinarity, sound art and interactive media.  Through the classes, exchanges and discussions on contemporary creativity, we put the emphasis on the new visual language and the possibilities afforded by the Internet and the new interfaces when it comes to composing new media.   We strongly encourage internal collaborations with musicians at the HEM and the students of the HEAD. Our cutting-edge facilities include a black room (the Black Box) and fully-equipped studios that provide the perfect setting for creative work.

Sparks fly as the past and the future merge with one another; tradition and innovation rub shoulders, to reveal an uncharted world. Welcome to music’s brand-new era!


Gilbert Nouno

Head of the Centre de Musique Électroacoustique - Professor of Electronic Music - Multimedia Composition - Interactive Video Design - Internet Music - Interfaces, Digital Instrument Making & Immersive Systems - Concept & Creation, Open Space

Composer, sound artist, pedagogue, and researcher, Gilbert Nouno creates music that is highly in tune with visual arts and digital technologies. Curious about all forms of expression, he effortlessly crosses the boundaries between composition and improvisation. As a visual artist under the name Til Berg, he combines the synesthesia of sound arts with other media. Using music and sounds, he generates abstract and minimalist visuals with traditional and digital media such as video and lithography. Gilbert Nouno's collaborations are marked by aesthetic plurality with many artists such as Pierre Boulez and the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, George Benjamin and the London Sinfonietta, Jonathan Harvey and the Arditti Quartet, saxophonist Steve Coleman, and flutist Magic Malik... A laureate of the Villa Kujoyama in Kyoto in 2007, and the Villa Medici, Académie de France in Rome in 2011-2012, Gilbert Nouno joined the Centre de musique électroacoustique (CME) of the Haute école de musique de Genève as its head, teaches composition at the Royal College of Music in London, and is a visiting professor invited by the DAAD in Detmold (Germany). He teaches digital sound arts at Goldsmiths, University of London, where he is also a guest researcher, and live electronics & computer music design at Ircam. Learn more about Gilbert Nouno

Gilbert Nouno

Departments and associated courses


J’ai choisi la HEM pour la renommée de son équipe pédagogique et l’importance des moyens qu’elle met à la disposition de ses étudiant-e-s dans le domaine de la musique électro-acoustique

Etudiant en Master de composition