

In an effort to imitate the humanity in the music of the past on historical flutes, the traverso class proposes to explore the repertoires of the Renaissance within the confines of the classical era and the first Romantics.

Under the guidance of its professor Serge Saitta, a renowned soloist and chamber musician, the traverso class at the Haute école de musique de Genève (HEM) prepares its students for a multifaceted career in music, ranging from the interpretation of the soloist repertoire to that of polyphonic and orchestral works, but also to the teaching and passing on of knowledge.

The class puts a sizable inventory of instruments at its students’ disposal, from a consort of Renaissance flutes to flutes with 6 or 8 keys.

Moreover, the students are encouraged to take part in numerous activities arranged by the HEM’s department of music of the past, which regularly invites eminent performers and researchers from all over the world to give Masterclasses and seminars. The goal is to encourage the development of a thoughtful approach, with a view to achieving a deeper contextualization of the practice and repertoire of their instrument.

Finally, the traverso class regularly collaborates with the HEM’s other departments, and with internationally acclaimed Swiss ensembles, on ‘side-by-side’ artistic projects, which constitute a real gateway to the professional world.


Serge Saitta

Professor of Traverso

After completing university studies (a law degree), Serge Saitta pursued classical musical studies at the Regional Conservatories (CRR) of Lyon and Créteil in the classes of Marius Beuf, Maurice Pruvost, and Pierre Séchet. A recipient of a Ministry of Culture scholarship for two years, he then went to the Royal Conservatory of Music in Brussels to study with Barthold Kuijken, where he was awarded two grand prizes unanimously and with high honors from the jury (Historical Flutes and Chamber Music). After substituting for Pierre Séchet's traverso class at the CNSMD in Paris and creating the traverso class at the ENMDT in Villeurbanne, Serge Saitta now teaches historical flutes and chamber music at the Haute école de musique de Genève. His pedagogical commitment has led to numerous masterclasses abroad, including assisting William Christie for three years at the Juilliard School of Music, which resulted in the establishment of a new Historical Performance Department at this renowned school in 2009. He was invited in October 2021 to the 3rd Flute Festival de la Côte alongside world-renowned soloists including Julien Beaudiment, Michel Bellavance, Felix Rengli, Silvia Careddu, and Jasmine Choi. He is scheduled to perform again at the 2023 edition of the festival. Since 1988, he has been the principal flute of his chosen ensemble, Les Arts Florissants, under the direction of William Christie. Numerous recordings (around fifty) and concerts worldwide attest to his work with this prestigious orchestra. He collaborates with La Cappella Mediterranea, directed by the young Swiss-Argentine conductor Leonardo García Alarcón. He currently records for the AgoGique, Naïve, and Harmonia Mundi labels with the ensemble "La Rêveuse," directed by Florence Bolton and Benjamin Perrot. Among his many concert engagements, he will perform as a soloist at the Pierre Boulez Hall of the Philharmonie de Paris in April 2024, as well as at numerous festivals dedicated to early music. Serge Saitta communicates and teaches fluently in four languages (English, Dutch, Italian, and German). Learn more about Serge Saitta

Serge Saitta

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