Geneva Neuchatel

Double bass

The double bass teaching at the Haute école de musique de Genève (HEM) is delivered at the sites in Geneva and Neuchâtel. Our two double bass classes are taught, respectively, by Mirella Vedeva in Neuchâtel and Alberto Boccini in Geneva.  Committed educators and accomplished artists, our two professors listen to the students’ expectations and needs. 

They support them in the acquisition of an instrumental technique at the highest level, while guiding them in the development of their own artistic sensibility. Internationally acclaimed double bass players are regularly invited to lead Masterclasses.

The HEM’s double bass classes offer a particularly stimulating learning environment, which makes the most of the cultural diversity of their students, who come from all over the world. The atmosphere is one that favours human contact and new friendships. Besides the individual classes, there is a large number and variety of opportunities to play in a group: orchestra sessions, chamber music, multi-disciplinary projects. Openings are offered that lead to contemporary music and creativity, but also to the music of the past.

Thanks to the close ties that the HEM maintains with the region’s professional ensembles, our students have the opportunity to play alongside musicians from renowned ensembles such as the Orchestre de la Suisse romande (OSR), the Orchestre de Chambre de Genève (OCG) or the Ensemble de musique contemporaine Contrechamps.  The richness of the music scene in French-speaking Switzerland, the music-loving public and the numerous patrons mean that there are ample opportunities for engagement, to enrich their practice and develop their network.

If you are coming from a long way away and it is difficult to bring your instrument with you, the HEM makes available to its students a series of high-quality instruments, both for the solo repertoire and for the orchestra, including a baroque-mounted double bass from the 17th century. 


Alberto Bocini

Professor of Double Bass

Alberto Bocini initially studied guitar before dedicating himself to the double bass. He holds a diploma from the Cherubini Conservatory in Florence, obtained in the class of Alfredo Brandi, and further honed his skills under the guidance of Franco Petrachi. He has won numerous competitions, including a first prize at the Valentino Bucchi Competition, a first prize at the Torneo Internazionale della Musica, and a second prize at the Nicanor Zabaleta String Competition. As a soloist, he has performed with many ensembles, including the orchestra of the Teatro Massimo in Palermo, I Solisti Veneti, and the Rome and Lazio Orchestra. In chamber music, he has played with Yuri Bashmet, Vadim Repin, Patrick Gallois, Natalia Gutman, and Eric Ruske. The Newport Music Festival honored him by inviting him eleven times, up until 2004. Alberto Bocini is a member of the Bass Gang, a double bass quartet with an extremely heterogeneous repertoire, which they present with virtuosity and humor. This ensemble has enjoyed great success and has been acclaimed during tours in Japan and Korea. The group recorded a DVD for the independent label NBB Records, a label founded by Alberto Bocini, for which he has recorded extensively. An eclectic and enthusiastic musician, Alberto Bocini does not hesitate to push the boundaries of his repertoire. He recorded for Denon Braevissimo a concerto for double bass and strings by Ennio Morricone and dedicated an album to the music of the English rock band Genesis with a trio named After Genesis. Currently the principal double bassist of the Maggio Musicale Fiorentino under the direction of Zubin Mehta, Alberto Bocini teaches double bass at the Haute école de musique de Genève. Learn more about  Alberto Bocini

Mirela Vedeva Ruaux

Professor of Double Bass

Mirella Vedeva received a virtuosity prize from the Conservatoire de Genève and graduated from the Giovanni Bottesini International Double Bass Competition. Michel Plasson, who noticed her during this competition, hired her as a soloist for the Orchestre du Capitole de Toulouse. She has also collaborated with other symphonic ensembles such as the Orchestre de la Suisse Romande de Genève, the Lausanne Chamber Orchestra, the Geneva Chamber Orchestra, and the Lausanne Sinfonietta. Her passion for imparting her instrumental knowledge drives her towards teaching. At the Conservatoire de Genève and the Accademia, she created classes for very young double bassists starting from the age of six. In charge of directing the Music School Orchestra of the Conservatoire de Genève, she has carried out numerous educational projects. At the Haute école de musique de Genève (HEM), she receives students from around the world, perpetuating the tradition of excellence from the school of her mentor Franco Petracchi. She is also a professor at the Conservatoire Supérieur de Saragosse. Invited for numerous masterclasses in Italy, Spain, France, Switzerland, and China, her pedagogical talents are universally recognized. Lastly, her activities as a soloist and chamber musician have garnered her much success both in Switzerland and abroad. Learn more about Mirella Vedeva Ruaux.

Alberto Bocini
Mirela Vedeva

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