The Institut de recherche en musique et arts de la scène brings together applied research and development at its three schools in French-speaking Switzerland

Placed under the responsibility of the Conseil du Domaine Musique et Arts de la scène, the Institut de recherche en musique et arts de la scène (IRMAS) is comprised of the three hautes écoles in this sector, the HEM (Haute école de musique de Genève - Neuchâtel), the HEMU (Haute école de musique) and La Manufacture (Haute école de théâtre et danse de Suisse romande). It is housed at the HEM Genève.

The IRMAS is a part of the Applied research and development (Ra&D) policy of the Haute Ecole Spécialisée de Suisse occidentale (HES-SO). It has the aim of enhancing the quality of the Ra&D activities by encouraging discussion and exchange between the researchers working here, and by improving the visibility of research works, both among professionals and among the wider public.