The HEM’s courses are accredited and the qualifications bestowed enjoy excellent levels of recognition around the world. 

The first cycle of professional studies consists of three years of generalist studies and enables students to obtain the degree of Bachelor of Arts in music, a qualification that is necessary in order to be granted access to the Master’s degree courses.

After completing their studies for the BA, the students can undertake to complete a maximum of two consecutive Master’s degree courses. As a general rule, the second Master’s degree is worth 90 ECTS credits.

This structure, with its two cycles, aligns with the principles of the reforms to higher education initiated by the declaration of Bologna (1997) and affecting all the universities and colleges in 47 European states and further afield (Turkey, Armenia, Russia, etc.). In the field of musical education, the works of the Association Européenne des Conservatoires (AEC) guarantee coordination at an international level