From rehearsal to concert


De la répétition au concert, film documentaire écrit par Rémy Campos et réalisé par Roland Bouveresse, Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse de Paris–Centre de Recherche et d’Édition du Conservatoire, 2013.


Musical research can sometimes take the form of an adventure in uncharted waters. In October 2010, students from several higher schools came together at the Conservatoire de Paris and the Haute école de musique de Genève around a project with an original twist: not just to play a symphony by Beethoven on instruments from his day, but also to work in rehearsal conditions identical to the ones that musicians would have known in the 19th century.  

This documentary sets out the results of the two weeks of work done by the orchestra and invites you to listen to the Romantic symphonic repertoire with a fresh ear.

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