
The BA with singing as the main subject, dispensed by the HEM’s vocal department, covers a huge range of aspects of the professional preparation of young singers.

A generalist course, this BA covers all the vocal genres, such as oratorio, opera or indeed the ‘Lied’ and melody, exploring many centuries of music while studying these different genres.

Every aspect of the future careers that the students are going to embrace are dealt with: individual and collective practice, lyrical diction, stage work and body work, physiological knowledge, etc. On top of the individual class lasting 80 minutes a week, the student benefits from vocal coaching, either modern or baroque. Collective practice, practice in chamber orchestras or in larger ensembles enables them to benefit from regular contact with the stage and with audiences. 

Singing, more than any other instrument whatsoever, requires us to be acutely aware of the body and how it works. Classes in physical and mental preparation, along with more specific training intended for singers, accompany the students as they go through this apprenticeship.

The ordinary teaching is enriched by numerous one-off classes and masterclasses given by eminent figures from the world of song. The students also benefit from numerous collaborations with other institutions, not least the Grand Théâtre de Genève and the Haute école de musique Vaud Valais Fribourg (HEMU) for the annual production of an opera.

This rich apprenticeship culminates, in the final year, in the presentation of a public recital lasting 45-50 minutes, accompanied by a BA critical thinking work that shines a light on the important preparatory work necessary for this production.

Study plan

Abbreviations :
e = marked exam
p =
attendance (proven attendance compulsory)
rs = internship report
A1, A2, etc. = first, second year, etc.
S1, S2, etc. = first, second term, etc.

Départements & filières associés