
The Bachelor’s degree with composition as its main subject, offered by the department of composition and theory, proposes a full curriculum open to numerous aesthetic languages and trends. 

The course is a particularly wide-ranging one, incorporating classes on composition, electro-acoustic composition, multimedia, orchestration, computer-assisted design, acoustics, music management, and theoretical and practical training in analytical and digital systems and musical notation software.

The HEM does everything to ensure that the students’ compositions are brought to life in public and that composers and performers get together as often as possible.

The Centre de musique électroacoustique (CME) offers students cutting-edge technology in assisted composition, along with international collaborations, such as the one that the HEM has maintained for many years with the Institut de recherche et coordination acoustique/musique (IRCAM).

Study plan

Abréviations :
e = merked exam
p =
attendance (proven attendance compulsory
rs = internship report
ce = co-assessment
A1, A2, etc. = first, second year, etc.
S1, S2, etc. = first, second term, etc.

Départements & filières associés