Renaissance d'une sacqueboute


Stefan LEGÉE and Aurélien POIDEVIN, Renaissance of a sackbut, from museum to musician, Paris, L’Œil d’or, 2016.

ISBN : 978-2-913661-78-3


The heir to almost two centuries of musical tradition, the Haute école de musique de Genève also fits into the contemporary dynamics in the European landscape of higher education in music. For almost ten years, the applied research projects that it conducts have constantly updated our musical knowledge and know-how, in tandem with both artistic life and with the academic world.

Here, Stefan Legée has united a team of musicians, researchers, practitioners and students around him. This collective, lending itself perfectly to philology as applied to an instrument, made it possible to put in place a programme for the copying of sackbutts from the era, preserved in the music collections of a number of European museums. The task at hand was to manufacture perfect replicas of these Renaissance instruments - starting with a simple sheet of metal.

To keep track of these three years of experimentation, the keen eye of a photographer was sought out. Jean-Pierre Delagarde strove to capture the moments when documents from the past chimed with musical gestures from the present, resulting in the recreation of sackbutts which enabled the rediscovery of instruments, timbres and playing methods that are forgotten today.

This work contains a selection of texts and interviews drawn up and assembled by a team led by Stefan Legée and Aurélien Poidevin, with the participation of Stewart Carter, Christian Hörack, Cristian Bosc, Michele Magnabosco, Frank P. Bär, Ewald & Bernhard Meinl and Franck Poitrineau.

Photographs by Jean-Pierre Delagarde 

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