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The equal opportunities policy is a priority for the HEM. A stakeholder in HES-SO Genève, it stems from a constitutional and legal mandate on the part of the Hautes écoles spécialisées which is centred around special cross-discipline activities adapted to suit each school.
The HEM’s equal opportunities department (EGC) collaborates directly with the HES-SO’s Equality and Diversity Department, the Equal Opportunities department of HES-SO Genève and the 5 other departmental managers from each of the HES-SO Genève schools.
A place where students can really be listened to and get support, information and guidance, the Equal opportunities department has four main sectors of activity.
Thanks to the support systems and sensible arrangements that have been put in place, the HEM’s EGC department ensures that it gives students with special needs a teaching and working environment that guarantees calm and suitable conditions for study.
Information for students with special needs
Additional information: HES-SO Genève website
Thanks to targeted communication or cross-departmental events within the institution or in collaboration with HES-SO Genève’s EGC department, the HEM’s EGC department is establishing a policy aimed at making gender equality an important institutional value.
Support policy of HES-SO Genève promoting equal opportunities - Guide
Acting with complete confidentiality, the EGC respondent is the person at the HEM who makes it possible to create a safe space for anyone who deems themselves to have been the victim of an attack on their personal integrity and personality.
Beyond the actions conducted to reinforce the response when it comes to combating all forms of violence, the EGC department may take action, in particular, as a mediator in situations where discrimination is alleged within the establishment.
The HEM recognizes and promotes the diversity of all those studying and working within its walls, and pays particular attention to cultural diversity.
The Equal opportunities department strives to implement a sustained, inclusive policy that meets the challenges of cultural and social diversity, which it considers to be of fundamental importance.
Christelle Denis-Bolens
Florence Dutoit (Neuchâtel Site)
HES-SO Genève
Jesusa Ona
Head of equal opportunities HES-SO Genève
Contact this person
Several organizations in Geneva provide listening and counseling services related to personal harm. A few examples are mentioned below for information purposes.
Association Viol-Secours (Geneva)
LAVI Genève Centre (Association providing Aid to Victims of Infringements)
In cases of sexual harassment, the LAVI centres offer immediate and free assistance at the medical, psychological and social level, along with advice on any legal steps that may need to be taken.
Phone number: +41 22 320 01 02
Email address
Center for Listening Against Racism
Tel: +41 22 736 20 00
Geneva Federation of LGBT Associations
Contact email
Support for women in professional, legal, and psychosocial matters
Contact email
Tel: +41 22 740 31 00
La Main Tendue
Offers confidential and anonymous listening 24/7
Tel: 143
UIMPV (Interdisciplinary Unit for Medicine and Violence Prevention)
Tel: +41 22 372 96 41
External Trusted Resources / Human Capital Partners
Contact email
Tel: +41 22 736 33 07
Stop Suicide