Gaspard FRITZ (1716-1783): Complete works (Vol II)


  • Pascale Darmsteter
  • Gaspard Fritz

Gaspard FRITZ, Œuvres complètes (vol. II) : Sei Sonate a quatro stromenti : opera prima, ed. crit. by Pascale DARMSTETER, 2000.

ISBN : 2-88433-005-4


The son of Philippe Fritz, a cellist who came from Celle, Garpard Fritz (1716-1783), after completing his music studies in Turin, spent his whole life in Geneva. His virtuosic mastery of the violin is attested to by his contemporaries. With ties to the community of expatriates from other countries in Geneva, he seems to have engaged in pedagogical activity. His works, published in London and Paris, were disseminated all over Europe.