Kazakhstan - The influence of European singing schools on the construction of specific models of vocal pedagogy in countries without lyrical heritage

Person(s) in charge


Arman Zhudebayev (Conservatoire national Kazakh)


Anastasia Georgaki, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

Arman Zhudebayev, Conservatoire national Kazakh


Presentation of the project

This project wishes to explore the influences of the European singing schools on the lyrical vocal technique taught in countries with a recent lyrical tradition: Kazakhstan and Greece. The two countries demonstrate a certain number of similarities at the same times in history: on the issue of searching for and affirming a national identity, that of the opera being introduced by foreign companies, the fact that the first opera house was opened in the same year (1941), and finally the fact that foreign artists and professors influenced the establishment of vocal teaching in the countries concerned.    

Through historical, scientific and pedagogical research, we want to shed light on the integration and transformation of the influences cited above in Kazakh and Greek vocal pedagogy. Some reflection on the specificities of these techniques will make it possible to determine to what extent they can still be considered as a living testament to the vocal approaches of the European past. A transversal event, in the presence of participants in the project and educators and students from the institutions concerned, will confront the specific approaches of the schools studied to resolve the contemporary vocal problems chosen.  

The innovative aspect of the approach lies in the level of the teams in charge of the project: the lyrical singers will themselves generate the scientific tools used in this research project, in conjunction with their own practical knowledge of vocal gestures.  The scientific interpretation of the data will take account of the concrete needs and realities of the functioning of the voice, and how these interact with the conscious technical or aesthetic choices made by the singers.    

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