DAS in orchestral practice

Offered in collaboration with the Orchestre de la Suisse Romande (OSR), this training aims to enhance professional skills in the field of orchestral practice and prepare candidates for orchestral competitions. 

Target audience and admission criteria

Reserved for those under the age of 29 (as of 30 April), regardless of nationality, this course is open to those holding a Master’s in performance or a qualification deemed equivalent to that.


The training corresponds to 960 hours spread over 12 months. It comprises four mandatory modules :

  • Module 1 : An orchestral internship in the Orchestre de la Suisse Romande lasting 12 months (September to August), corresponding to 720 hours (180 services and individual work).  Preparation of scores and participation in concerts, performances, tours, recordings, etc. 
  • Modules 2, 3 and 4 : A programme of study at the HEM corresponding to 240 hours over 10 months (September to June) with two teaching modules (aspects of the orchestra, mental preparation and simulations of competitions, chamber music) and a diploma project module.

Departments and associated courses