Exposition Extime à LiveInYourHead
Jeudi 20 Septembre 2018 - Samedi 20 Octobre 2018
HEAD, Bâtiment Général-Dufour
Espace d'exposition | Cinéma Salle Robert Kramer
Rue de Hesse 5, 1204 Genève
Du mercredi au samedi, 14h - 19
Exposition du 21 septembre au 20 octobre 2018
Vernissage le 20 septembre à 18h
Une proposition de Charlotte Laubard, Professeure et Responsable du Département des Arts visuels
Avec Deborah Holman, Rita Hajj, Lauren Huret, Carisa Mitchell, Marie Mottaz, Arttu Palmio, Nelson Schaub
who wants all to be li - ving → who will speak up → but who will not bring together one coherent sentence clouded by anger → who will be overwhelmed at the emotional toll → and who will stay in bed for days in a hard spiral → who will get about 5 DMs an hour from the ally types that just like to talk after its gone up → because you’ll be seen with the silent likes → until its pulled her to the ground and spewed her out again → gotta stay calm in a spiral still → to get up again → in a soft spiral → that goes upwards, upwards → upwards always
Deborah Holmann
Voir tous les événements de l’école