Photographie d'Albert Hollenstein donnant un cours dans la cave du Studio, ca. 1965, Archives Hollenstein, Ville de Paris, Bibliothèque Forney.
© unknown

Doctorat - Between Paris and Switzerland: shaping the label “Swiss graphic design and typography” at the intersection of national and international dynamics, 1945-1970.

Octobre 2016 - Novembre 2020

Auteure: Constance Delamadeleine (HEAD – Genève) 
Début de la thèse: Octobre 2016
Fin de la thèse prévue: Novembre 2020
Directrice de thèse: Kornelia Imesh Oechslin (Unil Lausanne)
Co-direction: Sarah Owens (ZHdK-Zürich)
Swiss Graphic Design and Typography Revisited Projet FNS Synergia en collaboration avec HGK Basel, HKB Bern, Universität Bern, HEAD – Genève, ECAL Lausanne, SUPSI and ZHdK Zürich

Abstract available soon

“Multiple voices.” In Swiss Graphic Design histories, edited by Davide Fornari and Robert Lzicar Zurich: Scheidegger and Spiess: in press.
“The promotion of Swiss graphic design abroad: the case of Paris in the 1960s.” Design Issue, special issue, (2021).
“The Business Face of Swiss Graphic Design.” In Back to the Future [ICDHS 10th+1 Conference], edited by Oriol Moret, Barcelona: Edicions Universitat de Barcelona, 2018. 
“The last fifty years of graphic design in Western Switzerland (1964-2014): a status report.”In Mapping Graphic Design History in Switzerland, edited by Robert Lzicar and Davide Fornari, Zurich: Triest verlag, 2016, pp.122-35.

The Era Hofmann, FHNW University of Applied Sciences and Arts, October 2020
Swiss design week, Bezalel school, Jerusalem, 2019
Les Suisses de Paris, Centre culturel suisse, Paris, 2019
International Comittee Design History, Université de Barcelone, 2018
Junior Design Research Conference, HEAD – Genève, 2018
Mapping Swiss graphic design, HKB Berne, 2014


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