Assembling Intelligence - Hybrid Strategies for AI, Art & Design

San Francisco

August 19 – November 30, 2024: exhibition
August 22, 2024 – 5:30 pm: Opening night with panels of experts
August 29, 2024 – 5:30 pm: Public conference with Anthony Masure

SWISSNEX, San Francisco
PIER 17, SUITE 800

SWISSNEX in San Francisco welcomes HEAD – Genève to showcase their take on artificial intelligence through recent research projects and students’ artistic works.

The techniques used in current trends in artificial intelligence are not exactly new. The concept of “generative” artworks and the notion of a “language model” to create an infinity of results are an old dream.
Assembling Intelligence – Hybrid Strategies for AI, Art & Design reunites a diversity of approaches that do not oppose the old and the new, seeking instead a form of “lateral thinking” in an era of ever-accelerating technologies.

This includes a new cross-disciplinary Bachelor’s course, in-house staff training, ongoing education, strategic monitoring, development of open source and tailored alternatives, symposia, and research projects. These initiatives position HEAD – Genève as a leading player in the field of digital creation.

August 19 - November 30 – Exhbition.

August 21 – Press workshop
"Telling Stories with Robots", by Douglas Edric Stanley

August 22 – Round table "The Last Original – The Future of Creative Practices "

Opening : presentation and guided visit of the exhibition by Douglas Edric Stanley and Anthony Masure.

August 29 – Conference "Fair Play ? – Human and AI Biases in Gaming"

  • Anthony Masure (He/Him):, Dean of Reseach at Geneva University of Art and Design
  • Mason Young (He/Him):, Executive Director at Museum of Art and Digital Entertainement
  • Tamara Kneese (Moderator): Director of Algorithmic Impact Methods Lab at Data & Society Reseach Institute

Direction HEAD – Genève: Lada Umstätter
Curator: Douglas Edric Stanley
Curation team: Anthony Masure, Douglas Edric Stanley, Audrey Zecchin
Production and coordination: Joanna Haefeli, Audrey Zecchin
Graphic Design: Rob Van Leijsen
Registrar: Pablo Bellon, Charles Cuccu, Diego
With the invaluable support of the Swissnex team in San Francisco

© Credits - Weiyu Chen, Léonie Courbat, Jeremias Fries, Alexandra Galian, Margot Herbelin, Elie Hofer, Quentin Piel Langlet, Chloé Richard, Alpha Syn et Elsa Wagnieres et les projets de recherche de Sylvie Boisseau, Sabrina Calvo, Kévin Donnot, Élise Gay, Guillaume Helleu, Sonia Laugier, Nicolas Nova, Anthony Masure, Alexia Mathieu, Chloé Michel, Etienne Mineur, Douglas Edric Stanley, Frank Westermeyer and David Zerbib 


Voir tous les événements de l’école