Gene Ray

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Gene Ray enseigne la théorie critique au Programme CCC depuis 2008 et dirige le projet de recherche Emerging Cultures of Sustainability (ECoS). Docteur en philosophie de l’Université de Miami (1997), diplômé en études interdisciplinaires (philosophie, littérature comparée, histoire de l’art et filmologie), ses travaux se situent au croisement entre art, théorie critique et politique radicale, avec un accent sur la pensée de l’Ecole de Francfort. Il publie dans des revues telles que Third Text, Historical Materialism et Yale Journal of Criticism. Il est l’auteur de plusieurs ouvrages dont Terror and the Sublime in Art and Critical Theory (Palgrave Macmillan, 2005 & 2010) et a coédité deux ouvrages chez Mayfly, dont Critique of Creativity: Precarity, Subjectivity and Resistance in the ‘Creative Industries en 2011 ainsi qu’une numéro spécial de Third Text sur les médias tactiques (2008). German Chancellor’s Fellow à la fondation Alexander von Humboldt, il a enseigné à l’Université de Hawaii, et au New College of Florida et donne des conférences dans diverses institutions en Amérique de Nord et en Europe. Il est membre du Radical Culture Research Collective.


Gene Ray, associate professor, has taught Critical Studies at CCC since 2008. He is currently leading the research project Emerging Cultures of Sustainability (ECoS). Holder of a PhD in Interdisciplinary Studies (Philosophy, Art History, Comparative Literature and Film Studies) from the University of Miami (1997), he writes on the intersections of art, critical theory and radical politics, with special emphasis on the Frankfurt School. His essays have appeared in such journals as Third Text, Historical Materialism, Yale Journal of Criticism. He is author of Terror and the Sublime in Art and Critical Theory (Palgrave Macmillan, 2005 & 2010) and co-editor of two books published at Mayfly, among which Critique of Creativity: Precarity, Subjectivity and Resistance in the ‘Creative Industries (2011) as well as a Third Text special issue on Tactical Media (2008). A former German Chancellor’s Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, he has taught at University of Hawaii and New College of Florida and has lectured widely in North America and Europe. His collaborative projects include the Radical Culture Research Collective (2007; publications in Radical Philosophy, Left Curve and Analyse & Kritik).


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