Studio - Times Thirty
The semester is an attempt to conceive worlds within worlds, interiors that reflect on the fact that they are fragments of wider interiors. We will explore the different opportunities and complexities of working at different scales, starting from the accuracy and potential freedoms of hand-drawing.
We will conceive three projects in sequence. A playpen, a bathroom, a house. To launch ourselves into this endeavour, we will start by carefully chosing and observing a number of paintings and drawings, and by studying more specifically their way of configuring space.
A simple cube of 30x30x30cm will be the perimeter of the projects. This primordial volume will be explored at different scales. Altogether we will draw on millimetric paper, trace in computer, and build in the cubes. The projects will thus be conceived as series of translations between the pencil, the screen, and the physical model. This method will allow to unravel the potentials and limitations of each representation technique.
The playpens will be conceived in groups of three. (Three playpens by three students.)
The bathrooms will be conceived in groups of two. (Two playpens by two students.)
The houses will be conceived individually. (One house by one student.)
The three projects are independent but freely relatable to each other. They function as a loose trio. A set of worlds that could contain each other.
View all of the school's projects