Research institute in art & design (IRAD)

HEAD – Genève organises its research activities (research projects, conferences, publications, exhibitions, colloquiums and round-table discussions) in the Research Institute for Art and Design (IRAD). Led by a small team that coordinates and manages the administrative side, these activities are developed within the school’s various courses, based on the initiatives of the teaching staff. This proximity between teaching and research ensures constant discussions that gradually include MA students in a research dynamic that some might pursue with postgraduate studies. 

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PhD Forum: pre-doctoral training in art and design

Head of Research
Anthony Masure

Cyrus Lognonné

Administrative assistant
Christelle Granite-Noble

Network of Expertise in Design and Visual Arts – HES SO

The scientific committee of the RCDAV consists of six members appointed for two years. 

Laura Brambilla HE-ARC Conservation-restauration
Davide Fornari ECAL
Federica Martini HEAD – Genève
Anthony Masure HEAD – Genève   
Jelena Martinovic EDHEA
Thibault Walter ECAL


In global terms, the RCDAV ensures complementarity between projects and consistency in their general strategy. It contributes to improving the research skills of its member schools. It supports projects that help consolidate research teams and develop the acquisition and transmission of new knowledge and skills in emerging fields. The RCDAV actively promotes collaboration between institutions, skills groups and researchers from universities, and favours cross-disciplinary projects. 

Finally, the RCDAV provides financial support for research. Indeed, on a regional level, researchers from member schools apply to the HES SO Fund, which is managed by the RCDAV. It finances research projects in design and visual arts and project proposals (enabling students to draft an SNF project).

Research at national level

Researchers have several possibilities to support the research effort: projects, publications, colloquiums, international workshops as well as career development (FNS, HES-SO, foundations, Innosuisse etc.)

HEAD – Genève, Ph.D: Frequently Asked Questions
What kinds of Ph.D is the HEAD interested in?

The HEAD – Genève is interested in Ph.Ds placing a practice-based component at the core of the research. This means therefore that developed Ph.Ds must have an artistic or design component resulting in the production of artefacts that are then showcased and discussed inside the manuscript. Artefacts can take the form of installations, sculptures, videos, soundscapes, and others. 

What are the recurrent themes?

Themes gravitate around socio-cultural issues that are inherently linked to the Anthropocene, technology and/or the built-space. Past or current PhD tackle, for example, themes connecting to decentralised networks, electronic-waste, digital labour, humanitarian design…This is just a non-extensive list. There is, however, here a clear distinction to keep in mind based on the type of Ph.D you plan to undertake.
1. If it is in collaboration with the EPFL and the EDAR, it must adhere to the research interest of the lab you are affiliated to. You can access all the labs under this link.
2. If it is under a SNSF framework, it needs to be coherent and validated by the principal investigator (PI) of the project.

How to prepare an application?

Openings are accessible from this page:
An example of a call for application can be found here (in french).

Can I ask questions regarding my potential thesis?

For equity reasons, only administrative questions will be answered. We thank you for your understanding.

What are the prerequisites?

In order to be eligible for a Ph.D in collaboration with the HEAD – Genève, a master in design, architecture, fine-arts or in a related discipline is needed. As it is a PhD in research through design, you also need to provide a record track of activity as a practitioner.

What does the infrastructure HEAD – Genève offers for your research and practice?

You will have access to the network of “pools” the HEAD – Genève provides. Pools are studio spaces with equipment, expertise and resources you can benefit from in order to produce your projects. We also support the production and dissemination of the research produced at the HEAD – Genève. We can for example contribute to the refund of travel, accommodation and conference costs as well as other needs helping you towards the production of the doctorate. If you are working under the framework of a SNSF, this will be supported by the project. 

What is the time dedicated to the Ph.D?

If you are working under a SNSF framework, 80% of your paid time can be dedicated to your Ph.D. If you are working under the EPFL and HEAD – Genève convention, 40% of your paid time can be dedicated.

What is the PhD’s stipend/salary?

The PhD is funded based on the grille salariale de l’état de Genève

What is the Ph.D forum?

The PhD forum is a pre-doctoral formation supporting emerging arts and design researchers who are interested in pursuing a practice-based doctorate and academic research.

In a study program of around 10 days per academic year, the PhD Forum will offer lectures and workshops on 1) the conception of Arts and Design PhD research projects; 2) the writing of State of the Art and Research Objects; 3) the writing of Research Questions; and 4) the selection and elaboration of Research Methods and Objectives.

Research Associates will be able to select an individual Mentor to work with from a pool of Faculty Mentors. Additional events, open to the larger PhD Forum community, will also be scheduled. The course of study is designed to work toward completion of a written PhD plan of 6-8 pages. At the end of the PhD Forum, a certificate of recognition will be awarded on successful completion

What are the different pedagogical experiences offered during the Ph.D?

This varies upon the Ph.D scheme you will develop your PhD with. If you work as an assistant-e-x doctorant-e-x (80%), you will be asked to give pedagogical and technical support, help and assist professors and give workshops. In addition and in collaboration with the program leader of the department you will assist, you will be able to give a workshop. If you work under the framework of a SNF project, this will depend on the principal investigator (PI) and supervisor of yours. 

What is research/creation?

Research-creation is an approach that integrates both academic research and artistic or creative practice. It aims to generate new knowledge, ideas, or perspectives through creative and artistic processes while relying on rigorous academic research methods.

What are the classes and seminars required and offered during the PhD?

This will depend on the academic institution and university you are affiliated in. In general, you need to complete a certain number of credits by taking classes offered by the institution delivering your Ph.D. In the first year, you will be required to present, defend and pass a candidacy exam consisting in your PhD direction, questions, methods and objectives.
In addition, you can access a variety of classes and seminars made available across Switzerland under the CUSO initiative

What is the funding and research network of the HEAD – Genève?

Several funding partners exist in the context of the PhD program and research of the HEAD – Genève. In order to conduct fieldwork within a FNS PhD, the Doc.Mobility is a well-known one. For PhDs affiliated with EPFL, fieldwork can be conducted with leading house funding. In order to organise events, you can apply to institutions such as Germaine de Staël (with a French institution), Pro-Helvetia, Swiss Design-Network etc.

Research networks in Switzerland

Backed by teachers who enjoy the intellectual challenge, research projects began in the early 2000s. In 2003, the heads of Swiss design schools founded the Swiss Design Network (SDN), followed by the Society of Artistic Research (SAR) in 2010 and finally, the Swiss Artistic Research Network (SARN) in 2011. 

Swiss Design Network (SDN), Swiss competence network of design research, secretariat located in Bern

Society of Artistic Research (SAR), Non-profit organisation for artistic research, based in Zurich

Swiss Artistic Research Network (SARN), Platform for the coordination and communication of artistic research activities of Switzerland’s art schools, secretariat located in Geneva. 

European artistic research organizations and networks

ELIA, The European League of Institutes of the Arts, independent network organisation for higher arts education, based in The Netherlands

Cumulus International Association of Universities and Colleges of Art, Design and Media, global association for art and design research and education, secretariat located in Finland

Design Research Society, international and multidisciplinary learned society for design research community, registered in Scotland

Deustche Gesellschaft für Design theorie und forschung e.V., nonprofit organization for design issues, based in Berlin

European artistic research (EARN), share and exchange knowledge and experience in artistic research, registered in Helsinki and Dublin

Institut für Künstlerische Forschung, independent research institute, based in Berlin

Research Through Design (RDT), Conference series website

Reviews and newspapers

Journal of Art and Research, revue de recherche en ligne d'art et de culture contemporaine, Glasgow School of Art, Angleterre
JAR: Journal for artistic research, revue de recherche en ligne d'art et de design, Universités suisses, Suisse
Working papers in art and design, revue de recherche en art et en design, Université d'Hertfordshire, Angleterre
Parse Journal Platform for Artistic Research, Sweden
Revue Faire, Bimonthly critical publication dedicated to the analysis of Graphic Design

Central Asian Journal of Art Studies, revue de recherche d'art et de culture contemporaine,Т. Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts, Kazakhstan
Crossings, journal de recherche d'art et technologie, Trinity College, Dublin, Irlande
Ctheory, revue de recherche international de théorie, technologie et culture, Université de Victoria, Victoria, Canada
Drain magazine, revue de recherche en ligne sur la théorie et la praxis dans la culture contemporaine, Universités américaines et canadiennes
e-flux journal, revue de recherche en ligne sur l'art et la culture contemporaine, New York, Etats-Unis 
emaj: online journal of art, revue de recherche en ligne d'histoire de l'art, Melbourne, Australie
Invisible culture: an electronic journal for visual culture, revue de recherche en ligne sur l'art et la culture contemporaine, Université de Rochester, Etats-Unis
Seismopolite: journal of art and politics, revue de recherche d'art et de culture contemporaine, Oslo, Norvège

Communication Design, Interdisciplinary and Graphic Design Research, revue de recherche en design et communication visuelle, Montréal, Québec, Canada
Design Issues, revue de recherche en design, MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Etats-Unis
Design studies, revue de recherche en design, Université anglaises, Angleterre
International Journal of design, revue internationale de recherche en design, Universités internationales, National Taiwan University, Taipei, De Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Eindhoven
Journal of Design Research, revue de recherche en design, Universités internationales
Journal of Design and Science, revue de recherche en ligne en design et science, MIT Media Lab, Cambridge, Etats-Unis
Journal of the Design Studies Forum, revue de recherche en design, Universités américaines, New York, Etats-Unis 
La revue du design, revue de design, Paris, France
Sciences du design, revue de recherche en design, PUF, Universités suisses et françaises, Nantes, Nîmes, Genève
The Journal of Sustainable Product Design, revue de recherche en ligne en design, Dordrecht, Pays-Bas
Azimut, réflexion et d'échanges sur les enjeux actuels du design, par les étudiants du post-diplôme de l'École des beaux-arts de Saint-Etienne, France

Fashion Practice, The Journal of Design, Creative Process and the Fashion Industry, revue de recherche en mode, Universités internationales, London College of Fashion, Londres, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis
Textile Research Journal, revue de recherche en textile et mode, Universités internationales, Los Angeles, Londres, New Delhi, Singapour et Washington DC

Les défis de la recherche en Art et en Design en Suisse. Un cas d’école : la HEAD – Genève.
Article sur la Recherche HES dans la tribune de Genève
Qualité d’auteur des publications scientifiques – Analyse et recommandations
L’intégrité dans la recherche scientifique - Principes de bases et procédures

Where to find us

Research Institute in Art & Design (IRAD)
New Campus HEAD
HEAD – Genève
Building E
Avenue de Châtelaine 5, 1203 Genève