Exhibition space
Bâtiment D

Boulevard James-Fazy 15
1201 Genève

Wednesday to Saturday, from 2pm to 5pm

LiveInYourHead is the exhibition program of the Visual Arts Department of HEAD - Geneva.
Between a space of experimentation, a place of work and meetings, its activities are based on an intense series of invitations to personalities from different backgrounds - artists, curators, designers, filmmakers, musicians... - to carry out a specific project in collaboration with a group of students. Conceived in complete freedom, these singular proposals offer as many visions of what an exhibition is today, playing as much with the space, which has been continually transformed over the course of the projects, as with time, with durations ranging from one night to several weeks, as with forms, from painting to sound to performance.

Select events

Exposition Just in time
à Live In Your Head
16.11.2023 to 16.12.2023

HYDRA, Or The Many Headed AI
29.09.2023 to 28.10.2023

Grand Tour 2023 !
Exposition des projets de diplômes
23.06.2023 to 24.06.2023

tout va aller très bien
28.04.2023 to 27.05.2023

The Big Similishow
18.11.2022 to 18.12.2022