International Relations

The worlds of art and design know no geographical borders, driven as they are by dialogue and diversity. Artists, designers and filmmakers are mobile and work in a globalised world. As such, HEAD – Genève structures its open-minded approach on its international teaching staff, exhibitions and transnational projects.  

Reception hours of the International Relations Office: 
Tuesday from 11:00 to 13:00, in office 1.09, 1st floor, building E. 


For incoming mobility :
For outgoing mobility:


Head of Department



HEAD - Geneva has an extensive and diversified network of partner schools. Every year, about fifty students come to spend a semester at HEAD. A large part of these exchanges takes place within the framework of the Swiss European Mobility Program (SEMP). This program facilitates the admission of Swiss universities to the European program, in accordance with the activities of the Erasmus+ program. In total, HEAD cooperates with more than 110 universities worldwide.

The International relations office organizes these mobilities and ensures that the exchange semester runs smoothly. The team assists students arriving in Switzerland with their administrative procedures and practical everyday questions. It plans information sessions, events and French courses. It puts each NEWcomer in contact with a referent student, a HEADmate, to facilitate his/her integration into the school.

Factsheet for incoming exchanges and language requirements
Description of programs available for exchanges
Arrival in Geneva, practical information

International relations office



The International Relations Office provides detailed advice and organisational support to students wishing to spend a semester abroad at a partner school in Switzerland or abroad.

Exchanges in the spring semester 2024-25

A new procedure for allocating exchange places at our partner schools has been introduced. An information session on this subject will be held on 6 May at 6 p.m. in the Georges Addor room in the E building. The new mobility procedures will be explained to you and we will answer any questions you may have. You will find below the new procedure and the steps to follow for exchanges in the spring semester 2024-25:

Summarized procedure for exchanges (in French)
Procedure for study exchanges 
New motivation form (in French - replaces the formulaire de demande d'échange).

Submission of your stay wishes for the allocation of schools 
The period for submitting your stay wishes to HEAD will run from 27 May to 15 June 2024. You will find the link to online registration in the instructions or in the procedure above. Contact your studies coordinator in advance.

We are available to answer any questions about mobility during our reception hours: 
Tuesdays from 11am to 1pm, office 1.09, building E

International relations office


Internships abroad
Students doing ECTS-credit-bearing internships in companies abroad are eligible to apply for a mobility grant if the internships meet the following conditions:
- The application for a mobility grant is made before the placement.
- The traineeship lasts at least 2 full months (e.g. 01.06. to 01.08.) for traineeships in SEMP/Erasmus+ countries.
- The traineeship lasts at least 4 weeks for traineeships in non-European countries.

The organisation of the work placement is the responsibility of the students in collaboration with the respective course of study. 
An information session on internship mobilities takes place every year in November and is organised by the respective programme.