Find here some practical information about student life at HEAD - Geneva.
Students' cards are distributed during the Immatriculations days.
Monetic badges (white access cards) giving you access to buildings and printers, are distributed during the mandatory information session at the beginning of the academic year.
In case of loss, advise the Bureau des études -
New cards / badges will be charged CHF 20.- each.
The personal semestrial certificate of studies is available on the AGE Student Portal the first day of each semester, or in advance upon payment of the tuition fees.
Personal leave
Temporary interruptions of studies for personal reasons (requests for a semester of leave) must be duly justified. A written request (email) for leave must be sent to the Dean of Studies before the scheduled start of the absence. The Head's direction decides on this subject. The semester(s) of leave is/are not included in the study time and a reduced tuition fee of CHF. 150. - is charged during the leave for personal reasons. The total time off period cannot exceed two semesters.
Illness, Accident, Maternity
Long term leaves (minimum one semester) for reasons of illness, accident or maternity confirmed by a medical certificate are not accounted for within the student’s curriculum and a reduced tuition fee of CHF. 150. - is charged during the semester of leave.
Students willing to dropout their studies must address a written request of exmatriculation to the Dean of studies.
Long term absence for other reasons than the one mentioned above can lead to exmatriculation.
Exmatriculated students willing to continue their curriculum will have to go through the entire admission process again (application and interview) without guarantee of success and will be bound to pay for all tuition fees and other costs related to their previous curriculum in the school.
Military service / Swiss army (in French only)
Dans la mesure du possible, les obligations militaires sont accomplies avant le début des études. Pour faire une demande de déplacement de service pendant les études, l’étudiant doit suffisamment tôt en faire la demande écrite à l’autorité militaire accompagnée du formulaire adéquat mis à sa disposition sur le site internet des autorités militaires cantonales. Le militaire astreint doit le compléter et le signer, puis le soumettre au Bureau des études (bâtiment E) qui appuiera la demande si elle est justifiée. Après examen de la situation de l’étudiant, le bureau des études retournera par email le formulaire argumenté et signé par la HEAD - Genève à l'étudiant. C'est à l'étudiant de le retourner à l'organe de liaison de son canton de domicile dans les délais.
Répondante HEAD - Genève pour les affaires militaires:
Celine Bingol
Wifi Networks
2 Wifi Networks are available in HEAD's buildings. We recommend that you use the Eduroam Network. Instructions are available here.
Photocopy - White badge & payment system
All information upon the new system of payment, pre-paid card, password and means of payment are available here.
Adobe Creative Cloud
HEAD provides free access to the Adobe Creative Cloud for students of all its departments. Instructions for download and installation are here.
Personal data storage
HEAD provides data storage possibilities for students here.
Self service cafeterias (vending machines) are at disposal in each building of the school. Students are responsible for keeping these cafeterias clean and functional.