Géographie enchantée
© giganto.ch

Géographie enchantée. Imaginaires collectifs et chansons populaires

May 2024 to December 2024

Leading institution : UNIGE, Département de géographie et environnement
Partner institution : HEAD – Genève (for 3rd volume)
Project leader: Raphaël Pieroni
Financing: Université de Genève, Aéroport de Genève, Département de la cohésion sociale et Département du Territoire de la République et canton de Genève
Co-financing : FNS
Link to project website : www.geoenchantee.ch

"Géographie enchantée" is a collective project looking at the relationship between popular songs and places. It examines the ability of songs, whether about a real place (a city, a neighborhood, a country, etc.), an imaginary place (paradise), or a type of place (the island, the lake, the street, etc.) to enchant the world by charging it with emotion. This enchantment is the result of the power of songs to transform the world they describe. It requires special attention when it is based on toxic imaginaries founded on stereotypes of gender, "race" or class.  
The result of several collaborations between UNIGE and HEAD - Geneva, the project is aimed at the general public and takes the following forms:
Three collective books examining the relationship between popular songs and places: Monde enchanté, chansons et imaginaires géographiques; Villes enchantées, chansons et imaginaires urbains; Voyage enchanté, chansons et imaginaires du voyage (Éditions Georg, 2021, 2022, 2024, edited by Pieroni, R. & Staszak, J. F.). These books are accompanied by a series of ten video clips directed by Mathieu Epiney.
Two exhibitions: Amsterdam, Bamako, Genève...Mais qui connaît la chanson? (Bains des Pâquis, Genève). Voyage enchanté, chansons et imaginaires géographiques (University of Geneva, Exhibition Hall) 
An online game (available from May 16, 2024) - geoenchantee.ch - created in collaboration with the Visual Communication Department. 

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