Figure 1: State of the Sea of Ice in Chamonix in January 2020, a glacier that should have disappeared in 2099
© CREA Mont-Blanc
Figure 2: A Corner Convenience (Near Future Laboratory, 2012), an example of fictitious artifacts conducted in a Design Fiction project.
© Near Future Laboratory
Figure 3: Excerpts from catalogues of mountain game collections
© HEAD – Genève
Figure 4: Contemporary role-playing manuals (Apocalypse, The Deep Forest, A Red & Pleasant Land, Escaping the Suburbs), illustrating the revival of the genre.
© HEAD – Genève

Chamouny RPG. A role-playing game to experience adaptation to the environmental crisis

October 2020 to November 2021

Leading institution: HEAD – Genève
Applicant and Project Manager: Nicolas Nova
Project team: Sabrina Calvo, Etienne Mineur
Project parners: CREA Mont Blanc
Financing: HES-SO, HEAD – Genève

« Maybe it's precisely in the field of gambling, outside of the teleological dictates, well-established categories and utilitarianism, which the wisdom and convalescence become possible. »»
— Donna J. Haraway, Staying with the Trouble, p. 24.

This research-creation project aims to create a role-playing manual,potentially marketable, which will allow participants to understand and anticipate the challenges of adapting to crises environmental impact through the Chamonix Valley study (the project may be adapted to other situations and contexts).

At the intersection of design fiction, visual communication, and game & media design, this game will take an innovative approach to the topic of ecological transition by proposing a participative and prospective approach to projection in the future lifestyles.

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