MIDIS ARCHI - Studioser


As part of the MIDIS ARCHI lecture series, the Interior Architecture department of HEAD - Geneve invites you to attend the Studioser lecture on Tuesday, November 28, 2023 from 1:00 to 1:45 pm.

Studioser merges ideas by Rina Rolli and Tiziano Schürch since 2019. They continue to join forces with others, collaborating on projects in and around Zurich, Ticino, and Barcelona. In their practice, they take inspiration from the location at hand, as they believe that architecture must be born and find its reason to exist starting from the environment in which it is inserted. By learning from the social-historical background of a place, clues from the past can be found and transformed into newly defining characteristics. This allows them to create punctual interventions which base on the specificity of a place, juggling between the urban scale and the minute detail. 


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MIDIS ARCHI - Studioser "Revealing Encounters"
© Sven Högger