VR Workshop - Imagining the city of tomorrow
In this workshop, students of the MA Media Design built interactive scenes in virtual reality in the software Unity.
The theme explored was imagining the city of tomorrow. The students explored this theme at the neighborhood scale, imagining new social interactions, or forms of relationship with nature and alternative modes of transport. The projects will be exhibited at the City of Tomorrow festival organized by the HES-SO Geneva.
Tiki Bordin
Paul Bellon Serre
Lison Christe
Maylis D'Haultfoeuille
Simon Di Mauro
Chloé Michel
Thibeaud Goiffon
Beatrice Gorelli
Maxime Magnin
Alexandre Moura Ferreira
Alejandra Oros
Manon Waneukem
Marion Bareil
Pierre Rossel
View all of the school's projects