Studio - RE: WORK
Facing a constantly transforming world, especially within the hallmark of our modern life – work and the workplace – this studio seeks to re-imagine the oftentimes sad and even depressive spaces associated to the ubiquitous condition of work loss: unemployment centres and holiday homes for the unemployed.
Centred around the idea of rebirth, RE: WORK challenges students to draw from existing resources (abandoned buildings, unused materials) to regenerate work (unemployment centres in combination with diagnostics centres, job fairs, co-working, start-up incubators, learning centres) and life (temporary living structures in remote areas for people to recharge their batteries while looking for a new job).
The studio combines design with research in which students investigate the future of work and the smart reuse of materials to derive appropriate programmes and design strategies. Students work both collectively (unemployment centres) and individually (holiday homes). Site visits, lectures and guest jurors including experts in the field of future studies, architectural renovation and material recycling accompany students throughout this journey of discovery.
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