Variations around cyberculture, digital identities, and the world as we experience it today, my collection "All they could see was my digital queen" is resolutely retro-futuristic, uninhibited, and digitally fetishistic. In response to our hyper-connectivity, the collection reinterprets the hybridization of the human and the cyborg with – among other things – the integration of metal into fabric. Digital tools are at the heart of this collection. The use of various software allowed me to develop new design processes, to generate random anomalies, and to create the metal pieces which were incorporated into the fabric.
In contrast with its futuristic dimension, this collection defends traditional craftsmanship, in particular tailoring, in an homage to my grandfather. As part of its focus on sustainability, it also features natural vegetable dyes, and the accessories were made from scrap metal. The accessories are also the result of long collaborations.
My queen embodies a contemporary excess: queen of social networks and parties, influencer with a thousand avatars. We can see her, shining with her metal hyper-accessorization, and a look that combines Couture and Cyberspace...
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