Radio Tramontana is a nomadic structure, self-organized and experimental that sporadically broadcasts on the internet. The possibilities and limits of "broad-" and "nearcasting" are experienced with a mobile studio in the geographical and political context created by the flow of migrants and border who have passed the boundaries with their families in the 60s.
The studio moves through Lombardy and in parts in several locations in Switzerland. She convey to listeners the heterogeneous flow of reciprocal influences and interferences. She questions the complex legacy of the pirate radios and commercial initiatives of the 60s and the 70s in Switzerland and Italy who played an important role in the continuous exchange of political, activists, but also artistic expressions.
Radio Tramontana, named after the wind through the Alps, will be active at three different levels:
- Radiophonic experimentations in the specific context of cultural exchange (radio art, sound art, poetry, music), and this mostly during the preparatory stages of the project. During these preparatory steps, we will focus mainly on migration issues, micropolitical, nomadic forms of radio communications; but also: the magical aspects of radio, fantasized radios, the ether, invisible and impalpable spaces. But still: simultaneous transmissions, a shifting calendar, reticular structures, collective appropriation of the radio medium. Various results in the field of radio productions are expected: audio collage, noise, performance, music, etc. But also of the dialogue, interviews and conversations. The forms: sound archives, field recording, happenings, radio drama, radio sculptures, etc.
-Research (Historic documents, sound archive and radio). The radio was an important communication channel for the Italian diaspora in Switzerland during the years 60s and 70s. The archives of the RSI / RTS / SRF / RTR and RAI are for that very interesting in the context of our research. Besides these official events, there is also an other material to explore: Private sound documents (the old tapes, radio pirate recordings, etc.) Some of these archives will be rebroadcast not only the web, but also locally through micro FM transmitters.
-Radio Tramontana sera un important canal de communication émettant les résultats de nos recherches : événements, lectures, tables rondes, discussions, concerts seront retransmis live. Techniquement le projet est assez simple. Nous disposons d’un serveur pour le streaming (Linux avec Icecast). Quand à l’émission, elle est réalisé à partir d’un ordinateur portable (avec une connection internet 3g ou avec la wifi). Le cadre d’expérimentation est ainsi ouvert à toute sorte de différents types d’émissions. Cela peut être tout simplement fait avec un ordinateur portable et un microphone, mais en général nous travaillons aussi avec un équipement technique minimal : une petite mixette, un enregistreur numérique et divers microphone. Durant les différentes étapes du projet, d’autres configurations seront mises en place, comme par exemple avec des émetteurs micro FM : en multipliant ces émetteurs, un grand territoire peut-être couvert sans enfreindre la loi.
-Radio Tramontana will be an important communication channel transmitting the results of our research: events, lectures, round tables, discussions, concerts will be broadcast live. Technically the project is quite simple. We have a server for streaming (Linux Icecast). Regarding the issue, it is made from a laptop (with an internet connection with 3g or wifi). Under experimentation is thus open to all kinds of different types of emissions. This can be done simply with a laptop and a microphone, but in general we also work with minimal technical equipment: a small mixer, a digital recorder and various microphone. During the different stages of the project, other configurations will be in place, such as with micro FM transmitters: multiplying these transmitters, a large area can be covered without breaking the law.
Our programs will be partially relayed by our partner radio stations.
ORGON LUNCH #2 (Una piacevole serata in compagnie dei fantasmi di Luigi Galvani, Alessandro Volta, George Forster e Mary Shelley)
February 28, 2015, 7:00pm - February 28, 2015, 3:00pm
live at MA*GA museum in Gallarate and on during the opening of “Voglio Vedere Le Mie Montagne», curated by Noah Stolz
“L’invenzione, bisogna ammetterlo, non consiste nel creare dal nulla, ma dal caos” scriveva Mary Shelley nel 1831 nella sua terza introduzione al suo romanzo Frankenstein.
Come punto di partenza vorremo indicare la rilevanza di questa citazione, quando applicata al modo operazionale di Radio Tramontana: un collage di input eterogenei, un mosaico di punti di vista contrastanti, “un messaggio fondamentalmente ambiguo”, “una pluralità di significati che coesistono all’interno di un unico significante” (Umberto Eco, Opera Aperta, 1962).
Concettualmente questa citazione serve come una sorta di luce guida attraverso la nebbia di possibilità. In secondo luogo è interessante capire questa citazione nel contesto in cui Frankenstein racchiude lo Zeitgeist dell’agitazione scientifica e artistica del 19° secolo. Svariati libri venivano stampati ogni anno, la scienza e l’arte erano esposte e pubblicate, l’elite viaggiava attraverso l’Europa desiderosa di conoscenza. Mary Shelley cresce in mezzo a questa agitazione, a volte confusione, spesso caos. Nel 1816 Mary Shelley ha diciannove anni e quando sogna, sogna corpi che “sotto l’influenza di potenti motori danno segni di vita e si mescolano con un disagio di movimento vitale parziale”. Qualche anno prima Luigi Galvani faceva esperimenti con elettromagnetismo biologico, Giovanni Aldini stimolava elettricamente il corpo morto del criminale George Forster e Volta inventò la prima pila.
Il 28 Febbraio 2015 Radio Tramontana sarà una macchina del tempo, incantatrice, ai limiti di rottura fino al probabile risveglio dei morti.