Parution de la publication Sans le socle
Publication "sans le socle mais sur le sol de l’espace public"
Art and public space, enquiry, research and experimentation, theories at work.
Coedition HEAD – Genève and art&fiction publications, Lausanne. February 2015
With the support from la ville de Genève and Département des constructions et de l’aménagement.
Director of publication : Jean-Pierre Greff
Conception and editorial direction : Ivonne Manfrini et Jean Stern
Graphic design : Stéphane Fretz et Philippe Weissbrodt | matieregrise
Format : 230 x 170 mm, 274 pages, 80 illustrations, texts french or english.
ISBN : 978-2-940377-76-3
Price : CHF 38.50.
Swiss distribution : Servidis SA
Europe diffusion : R-diffusion, Strasbourg
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