Highlights of the HEAD Cinema Festival
The first HEAD Cinéma Festival took place last week on the famous lawn of the Parc Hentsch, bringing together the major players in Swiss cinema and offering the general public the chance to discover the fruits of the labours of the students and alumni of the Cinéma Department.
Despite the inclement weather, the public turned out in large numbers to enjoy a rich programme of over thirty previously unreleased workshop and diploma films.
Two days devoted to professionals brought together more than a dozen partners, and welcomed American director and cinematographer Kirsten Johnson (with more than 90 films to her name, including the camera for Laura Poitras' Oscar-winning film "Citizen Four") from New York. After accompanying the Bachelor students for 3 weeks in a 'Grand atelier', Kirsten Johnson gave a public masterclass, broadcast on livestream.
View all of the school's projects