Color Catcher - Sarah Meylan
© HEAD – Genève, Raphaëlle Mueller
Color Catcher - Sarah Meylan
© HEAD – Genève, Raphaëlle Mueller
Magic House - Lauren Thiel
© HEAD – Genève, Raphaëlle Mueller
Magic House - Lauren Thiel
© HEAD – Genève, Raphaëlle Mueller
Suètone - Basile Brun
© HEAD – Genève, Raphaëlle Mueller
Suètone - Basile Brun
© HEAD – Genève, Raphaëlle Mueller
Trame Tram Trame - Mathis Baltisberger & Naomi Blidariu
© HEAD – Genève, Raphaëlle Mueller
Trame Tram Trame - Mathis Baltisberger & Naomi Blidariu
© HEAD – Genève, Raphaëlle Mueller

Drawing Futures - Playful Creative Assistants

May 2024

Exhibition : 14 to 24th May 2024 - Espace créatif Caran d’Ache, Lausanne.
Designers: Basile Brun, Lauren Thiel, Mathis Baltisberger, Naomi Blidariu, Sarah Meylan

Color Catcher - Sarah Meylan
color, gameplay, movement, sound, vibration, palette. « I don’t know what to draw and which colors to use » – citation from Project User Study, November 2023
Color Catcher is a playful color grabber that allows the user to create their own Caran d’Ache Luminance 6901® palette by using curiosity as their guide. It is both a toy and tool that uses play as a means to facilitate the creative process. By allowing the detection of colors that are invisible to the naked eye, Color Catcher encourages the player to physically move all around the room to discover colors in a game of sound and vibration. A strong color palette can powerfully transform any creative project. And yet choosing colors that complement each other in unique and compelling ways can be a daunting task. With Color Catcher, the player explores the object’s interactive potential in order to capture an unexpected color palette.
At the end of the experience, the user will be able to retrieve their personalized palette of colors generated during gameplay, including indexed references to Caran d’Ache.

Magic House - Lauren Thiel
pastels, paint, markers, frame-by-frame image capture, projection, onion-skinning, automated animation
Magic House automates the analogue animation process. At the center of the room sits a large collective drawing surface. On this surface lives Magic House, an animation capturing device that turns individual drawings into a collective animated film. The installation bridges individual creativity with a collective journey, revealing the hidden movement within static shapes and forms. Magic House simplifies the complex process of traditional frame-by-frame animation. With its playful form and innovative projection system, Magic House helps animators to see the previous frames of their emerging story and easily augment each previous drawing with their next frame of animation. As visitors continue to add new illustrations to the collective surface, the room projects the animated results in an endlessly looping projection.

Suètone - Basile Brun
markers, drawing tools, color detection, music box, generative music
Suètone is a generative music box that transforms your drawings into musical partitions. Like a musical stone, Suètone generates melodic patterns as drawings flow around it like a stream of colors: an infinitely evolving musical texture; a sonic journey down the colorstream. Suètone travels with a series of drawing tools that work in conjunction as creative assistants, opening up new vectors of shape and line for even greater musical opportunities. By moving these assistants around the drawings, artists can explore new visual and musical expressions.

Trame Tram Trame - Mathis Baltisberger & Naomi Blidariu
color markers, marker dispenser, collaborative drawing, color detection, generative storytelling
Trame Tram Trame is an experience designed to inspire the illustration of collaborative stories. In a playful inversion of traditional roles, here it is the machine that prompts the human, guiding them down unexpected paths of storytelling possibilities. What unfolds is an adventure in which each participant adds their personal touch to a narrative tapestry that gradually reveals itself, like a river of ink ever expanding across the page. Trame Tram Trame is an interactive system that combines traditional drawing, interactive electronics, and artificial intelligence into a combined collaborative storytelling device.

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