Production: 20 pounds
Dimensions: 108 x 175 mm, back 42.5 mm.
Pages: 744 pages
Characters used: LT Franklin Gothic Printing: Offset black & white Paper: Offset 89g/m2
Printing and binding: Bubu, Mönchaltorf
Themes of the collection
Pesticides, 5G, agoraphobia, arachnophobia, atomic attacks, nightmares, coulrophobia, dictatorship, environmental collapses, societal collapses, germ warfare, gymnophobia, World War III, malware, monsters, necrophobia, pyrophobia, refugees, UFO and USSR.
The compulsive collection is an educational project of Demian Conrad, whose objective is to work with students on the notion of archives and image databases, with the aim of creating an editorial work.
The students are given a topic and production constraints and then they have to create a concept, create an iconography and create a narrative, all in a graphic context.
The course was conducted remotely using TEAMS software. The students had to work without the possibility of creating a paper prototype and confronting the physical work.
During the "lockdown" the question of being attacked by an invisible virus led us to question the concept of "defense".
To defend oneself is an act of survival, but also an act of love, we can defend ourselves or defend the other, even defend a people.
The students drew lots of subjects for reflection, such as pesticides, bacteriological warfare or phobias such as gymnophobia... from which they developed a concept.
The result of the process consists of 20 books of 744 pages each.
The archives used by the students are of all kinds, among the best known being those of the ETH Zurich, the Canton of Geneva, but also more specific archives of institutions dedicated to the study of spiders or more technical archives related to space research.