Collective Tools Project
September 2023 to August 2024
Leading institutions: HEAD – Genève, La Manufacture
Team leaders: Yan Duyvendak, Collectif la colle, Flavia Papadaniel
Project team: Guillaume Ceppi, Giulia Crescenzi, Diane Dormet, Yan Duyvendak, Flavia Papadaniel, Marie Romanens, Romane Serez, Delphine Abrecht
Financing: HES-SO Design and Visual Arts and Music and Performing Arts fields
Co-financing: HEAD – Genève and La Manufacture (HES-SO)
This research-action project, bringing together La Manufacture (Lausanne) and HEAD - Geneva, aims to facilitate collective and collaborative work within the cultural scene and activist movements in French-speaking Switzerland. If there are ways of making a collective work, what are they? What is it that makes a collective achieve the goals it has set for itself, having enabled everyone to find their place, exchange and pass on their tools in a harmonious way?
If so, can they be applied to other collectives?
The aim is to build up a corpus of artistic, associative and militant collectives, in order to observe the tools of collaboration and operation implemented in these groups. These tools are analyzed and formalized in written form (like game rules), then tested internally and in other groups, to verify their limits or effectiveness in different work contexts.
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