24 heures dans la vie d'un coucou suisse
February 2015 to April 2015
Mechanical and decor of the Swiss cuckoo has always been emblematic of the precise and meticulous work associated with the image of Swiss expertise. Originally, the cuckoos simplicity evoked the kind of idealized agrarian life in an alpine landscape preserved the vagaries of progress. Is the Swiss cuckoo about this iconic object for good folklore and tourists? Definitely not for the 18 cuckoos made by the students of the Master Design and Bachelor and Master Design Fashion, jewelery and accessories, HEAD - Geneva.
Claudio Colucci, who led the workshop, put them to the challenge of reinventing the cuckoo on a contemporary fashion while retaining the main quality of the traditional cuckoo: tell a story while marking the hours of their regular song.
24 hours in the life of a Swiss cuckoo clock, an exhibition under the direction of Alexandra Midal operates a migration across the Atlantic to present 18 students accompanied by cuckoos 6 projects of designers and teachers HEAD - Geneva:
Matali Crasset, Nitzan Cohen, James Auger, Camille Scherrer, Marco Borraccino and Claudio Colucci. For this unique exhibition of its kind, and to allow both its transport and demonstration, an ingenious set design was specifically designed.
View all of the school's projects