Midis Archi : Fosbury Architecture

Lundi 20 avril de 12h30 à 13h30

Dans le cadre des Midis Archi du Département Architecture d'intérieur

Fosbury Architecture (F.A.) is an Italian architectural design and research collective based in Milan, Rotterdam, and Hamburg. Founded in 2013, F.A. engages in a wide range of projects, from urban strategies to domestic environments, from independent fanzines to labyrinths. F.A. has received multiple awards (Europan 13 / NL, Turin 2015, Bologna 2014, Tallinn 2013) and recently exhibited at the Chicago Architecture Biennial (2017) and the Venice Architecture Biennale (2016). F.A. is the curator of Incompiuto-The Birth of a Style, the first extensive survey of all the unfinished public works in Italy. 

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Midis Archi : Conférence Fosbury Architecture
© Fosbury Architecture
MIDIS Archi : Revoir le conférence de Fosbury Architecture
© HEAD – Genève