IRL – In Real Life

The new magazine of the Visual Communication Department

Book launch
Geneva - Wednesday, May 29th 2024, from 17:00pm to 8:00pm
Campus HEAD, Bât. D, Bd James-Fazy 15.1201 Genève - Suisse 

Paris - Thursday, June 13th 2024, from 6:00pm to 8:00pm (schedule TBC)
After 8 Books, Rue Jarry 7, 75010 Paris - France

Bruxelles - Friday, June 14th, from 6:00pm to 8:00pm (schedule TBC)
Saint-Martin Bookshop, Rue de flandre 114 Vlaamsesteenweg, 1000 Bruxelles - Belgique

IRL - In Real Life - The new magazine from the Visual Communication department at HEAD – Genève, takes the form of interviews to explore concrete and material issues relating to the professional realities of the graphic design and illustration fields. In each issue, designers, artists and publishers look back on their careers and share their experiences to shed light on an area of creation that is often kept in the shadows.

The Money Issue, a first issue without taboo
With : Serge Bloch, Francine Bouchet, Karen Gliozzo-Schmutz, Félicité Landrivon, the studio collective, Karl Nawrot, studio Norm, Martin Panchaud and Paula Scher.
This first edition of IRL tacklesa core yet tabou issue : Money. How do you make a living as a graphic designer? illustrator? or media designer? What is a fair price for our activities? What working conditions are we, as young professionals, prepared to accept to launch a career based on taste, interest and passion? Can we make a living from artists' residencies and public subsidies? How do you assert your authors' rights? To these questions, nine guests provide concrete answers based on their own experience, with generosity, pragmatism and humour.

Unique graphic design entrusted to a different designer each year
This first edition is being designed by Émilie Ferrat (Espace Ness), a specialist in editorial design, print design and visual identity development.
Like the interviews, Émilie Ferrat's proposal tells us about her relationship with money and her own economic reality. Her graphic design combines images from existing internet memes with real financial and administrative documents, which she reveals in complete transparency. As viral and popular as money, memes are a humorous way of tackling complex and taboo subjects. By working with this subversive digital culture, Émilie is creating a circular relationship between the title of the magazine IRL, the subject of this first issue and the issues it tackles.

IRL is a bilingual (French and English) annual magazine, available as of May 29th, 2024 on HEAD Publishing, the editorial structure of HEAD – Genève.

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IRL – In Real Life
© HEAD – Genève