TypoLab - Underware in motion

Wednesday, November 8th 2023
From 12h30 to 1h30pm

Campus HEAD
Bât.H -Design Room
Avenue de Chateleine,7
1203 Genève

Remote access via Zoom.

The TypoLab of the Visual Communication department at HEAD – Geneve, invites you to the Underware in motion lecture by Sami Kortemäki, type designer at Underware Foundry.

The dynamics of writing can be contained within the font file itself. The order of strokes, the spread of ink, speed variations in curves, pauses in writing and so on. The Underware type design studio is a pioneer in the conceptualization of dynamic fonts and in the development of its own tools for realizing visual dreams.
Sami Kortemäki, designer at Underware and based in Helsinki, will explain how their entire design process approaches typeface creation from a new point of view: by integrating time and movement as essential elements in the design of a typeface. This talk presents some of their projects, from the simplest to the most complex, such as the dynamic font Plakato and the handwritten Scribo, which can be viewed on the Scribomat website.

The conference is open to all, and will be held in English.

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TypoLab - Underware in motion - Sami Kortemäki
© Underware
TypoLab - Underware in motion - Sami Kortemäki
© Underware