Check out the pictures of this great day, and for those who couldn't make it, the videos of the Bachelor's and Master's presentations are online!
Campus HEAD, Cafétéria
Bâtiment H, avenue de Châtelaine 7
Presentation of the Bachelor programs
11 h 00 Presentation of Bachelor admission requirements
11 h 30 General presentation of the school by Director Lada Umstätter
12 h 00 Visual communication
12 h 30 Illustration
13 h 00 Interior Architecture
13 h 30 Fine Arts – Five options
14 h 00 Cinema
14 h 30 Fashion Design
15 h 00 Product Design - Jewellery and Accessory
15 h 30 Presentation of Bachelor admission requirements
Campus HEAD, Salle Georges Addor
Bâtiment E, avenue de Châtelaine 5
Presentation of the Master's programs
12 h 00 Presentation of Master admission requirements
12 h 30 General presentation of the school by Director Lada Umstätter
13 h 00 Media Design
13 h 30 Fashion and accessories design
14 h 00 Fine Arts Work.master
14 h 30 Fine Arts CCC, research program
15 h 00 Fine Arts TRANS —
15 h 30 Interior Architecture (MAIA)
16 h 00 Space and Communication
16 h 30 Cinema
Information booth and admission requirements Master
HEAD Admissions Office
Preparatory class CFP Arts : Information booth Visual Arts & Design and ESBDi
Propaedeutic class EBAG
All about 2024 Admissions here
Campus HEAD, Le Cube
Bâtiment H, av de Châtelaine 7
Stop at Guye, Bus N° 6, 10, 19
Batiment E, av de Châtelaine 5
Stop at Guye, Bus N° 6, 10, 19
Bâtiment A, Route des Franchises 2
Stop at Guye, Bus N° 6, 10, 19
Bâtiment HEAD, Bd James-Fazy 15
(within a walking distance from the train station)
Stop at Gare Cornavin
Bus N°1, N°8, ou N°19
Tram N°14, N°15 et N°18