Archiving Speculative Artifacts from Projected AfroFutures

Monday 8 March 2021

Zoom Meeting ID : 965 5514 2605 // Password : 892564

With Salome Asega and Ayomadola Tanimowo Okunseinde of IYAPO REPOSITORY in conversation with Kodwo Eshun and the students.

If Euro-American archaeology tends to interpret cultures of the past through ancient artifacts, then Afrodiasporic cultures of the future could be analysed by an institution dedicated to the study of artifacts from the projected pasts of African descended future cultures. Iyapo Repository, the project co-founded and co-directed by New York based artists and designers Ayo Okunseide and Salome Asega in 2016, operates as a speculative museum, a community resource centre and an archival institute devoted to the research, development, manufacture and modelling of prospective artifacts from Afrofutures past. Salome Asega and Ayo Okunseide of Iyapo Repository will join with Kodwo Eshun to think through the participatory ecology of speculative design fictions required for envisioning the projected modes of Afrological futurity enabled by proleptic artifacts created and archived within the Iyapo Repository.

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Archiving Speculative Artifacts from Projected AfroFutures
© AKA Khemo