Talking Heads : New economies of creation

Online lecture
Tuesday October 6, 2020 at 6.30pm

New economies of creation 
A discussion with
Loraine Furter and Silvio Lorusso, moderated by Alexia Mathieu, Head of Master Media Design

This talk will bring two perspectives together : first a presentation from  Silvio Lorusso who will introduce his book Entreprecariat: Everyone is an Entrepreneur. Nobody is Safe. (Onomatopee, 2019). Specifically, he will unpack the clash between entrepreneurialism and precarity taking place in online marketplaces like Furthermore, he will show some examples of "gig economy art" and discuss the way in which they display labor relationships while obscuring them at the same time. 

Then, a presentation by Loraine Furter that will be based on her experiences in the design and cultural field, and inspired by practices she learned from cultural workers and activists in the past years,  Loraine Furter will talk about building fairer working conditions in a society rooted in capitalist, patriarchal and colonial practices. 

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Talking Heads : New economies of creation
© Eric-Schrijver - Tjaša Kalkan