Book Launch: Thinking Under Turbulence

Monday 27 March 2017

HEAD, Boulevard Helvétique 9
Seminar room CCC, salle 27, 2nd floor
at 7pm 

With Aurélien Ballif, Marie van Berchem, Doreen Mende, Kodwo Eshun, Pierre Hazan, Camilla Paolino, Julia Pecheur, Tina Wetchy, Yael Wicki parmi d’autres. 

Thinking Under Turbulence, Geneva Colloquium published by CCC Research Master / HEAD – Genève and Motto Books, 2017.

Thinking under Turbulence is conceived as a working-journal, as print- and online-version, in eleven sequences and one sequel. It brings together voices of closed seminars and public moments of one year Thinking under Turbulence: Geneva Colloquium which framed the 2015/16 transition of the CCC Research-Based Master Programme of the Visual Arts Department at the Haute école d’art et de design, HEAD – Genève. Thinking under turbulence operates in transgenerational time. It demands to question the dominance of one school of critique or one culture for taking collective positions. Thinking under turbulence departs and inscribes itself in our lived experiences as planetary subjects from which we must re-engineer our thinking. In other words, if there is “slow violence” (Rob Nixon) that inscribes itself across generations and geographies—often at thresholds of undetectability—then there must be slow revolution that stands with “revolutionary patience” as blogger and theorist Mark Fisher argued a year ago. More needs to be done.

Contributors and interlocutors to Thinking under Turbulence are Nabil Ahmed, Ursula Biemann, Yann Chateigné, Laboria Cuboniks/Helen Hester, Gregory Dapra, Kodwo Eshun, Anselm Franke, Laure Giletti, Fabien Giraud, Pierre Hazan, Yoneda Lemma, Armin Linke, Doreen Mende, Eric Philippoz, Griselda Pollock, farid rakun (ruangrupa), Gene Ray, Ida Soulard, Françoise Vergès and Eyal Weizman, among others, in conversation with CCC students 2015/16 Aurélien Ballif, Naouel Ben Aziza, Marie Van Berchem, Mandarava Bricaire, Duke Choi, Marguerite Davenport, Ana Raquel Ermida Gomes, Emmanuelle Esmail-Zavieh, Camille Kaiser, Charlyne Kolly, Alba Lage, Viola Lukács, Raphaëlle Mueller, Diego Orihuela, Camilla Paolino, Charles-Elie Payré, Julia Pecheur, Geneviève Romang, Stéphanie Serra, Dragos Tara, Adelina Tsagkari, Tina Wetchy and Yael Wicki. All contributions are original material in 192 pages.


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Thinking Under Turbulence, Geneva Colloquium published by CCC Research Master / HEAD – Genève and Motto Books, 2017.
© HEAD – Genève