Edward Snowden WIFI

Thursday 19 May 2016 to Saturday 18 June 2016

Andata Ritorno
Rue du Stand 37

During the installation of the exhibition “Prismes” at the gallery Andata.Ritorno, the gallerist Joseph Farine received an anonymous package containing a letter and a commemorative plaque in honor of Edward Snowden. The plaque got visibly scratched and was allegedly found at the riverbank of the Rhône. Recently, visitors of the exhibition 50JPG discovered a WIFI network named “Edward Snowden WIFI” in front of the building at Quai du Seujet 16. Indeed, once connected to the network, the only thing someone can see is a webpage with images of the commemorative plaque installed at the entrance of the building. 

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Edward Snowden WIFI
© HEAD – Genève