Scenography of TEDGlobal by HEAD students

Friday 11 December 2015

As part of " the week of all is possible" (26-30 October 2015 ), 18 HEAD students worked with Yuri Kravtcheno and Lawrence Breitling, EPFL architects and professors from HEAD , on the realization of a concept for the scenography the TEDGlobal conference. The students, mostly from the Bachelor Interior Design, but also Master Space and Communication , Bachelor Visual Communication and Jewellery Design have had a week to develop a Moodboard . The Moodboard is the conceptual basis of the scenography for TEDGlobal conference, held at the Bâtiment des Forces Motrices in Geneva on 8 December 2015. After stopping concept , the final structure will be carried out GALTA collective, composed of former students the HEAD . Students will be involved in project development and in the assembly.

Noms des participants:

BA Architecture d'intérieur
Malou Siegfried, Mélanie Vallin, Paquitta Barletta, Maeva Maspoli, Déborah Zancanaro, Yann Froidevaux, Marion Vergne, Joséphine Devaud, Oriane Rajaonarivo, Camille Mayor, Léa Rime, Amélie De Keuwer

BA Communication visuelle
Alexis Klink, Justine Leudi

MA Espace et communication
Marine Girard, Laura Fleury

BA Design Mode
BA Design Bijou
Maeva Weissen, Rogger Lagos

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Scénographie de la conférence TED Global par les étudiants de la HEAD
© TEDGlobal