Festival Cinéma Tous Ecrans On Tour

Tuesday 13 October 2015 to Saturday 14 November 2015

HEAD is a partner of the International Festival Cinema Tous Ecrans with two major projects:

The Département Cinéma/cinéma du reel is in dialogue with the Festival Cinéma Tous Ecrans for the "table ronde" Cinéastes de notre temps 

Qu’est-ce qu’un cinéaste ?, table ronde with Françoise Etchegaray, Claire Denis, Adolfo Arrietta and André S. Labarthe.

Hosted by Cyril Neyrat, professeur HES. at 20 pm, tribute to André S. Labarthe, with a surprise projection.

The second project is the one of the cabins Cinema Minima, which were designed and built by students with Master Design Spaces and Communication. The cabins have traveled the most emblematic cities of the country between October 13 and November 14 to announce the Festival Cinéma Tous Ecrans Inside, a program loop of films made by students with the HEAD, Cinema Department. A house through the eyes of a child, funny - Home Sweet Home from Khadija Ben Fradj, a meeting with a Japanese schoolgirl, touching - Do You Know Akane Okai ? Raphael Harari, the inspired improvisations and iconoclastic necessarily with anonymous photographs of the Musée de l'Elysée, spiritual - En route vers la mer de glace from Valentin Merz and Illika Bhandari and Ziggurat from Laura Morales and Alberto Martin Menacho, -  De beaux souvenirs of Aurélie Pernet  and Tonomori , a meditation on the meaning of life at the mercy of the souls inhabiting the Japanese forest - comforting Line Kaenel and Deborah Helle 

HEAD programme at the Festival Cinéma Tous Ecrans: 

Tuesday 10.11 at 6.15 pm
Qu’est-ce qu’un cinéaste, table ronde with Françoise Etchegaray, Claire Denis, Adolfo Arrietta et André S. Labarthe
Animée par Cyril Neyrat
Monday 9th and Tuesday 10th  novembre
Minima Cinéma at HEAD
Boulevard James-Fazy 15

Wednesday 11th and Thrusday 12th novembre
Minima Cinéma à la HEAD
Prairie, Rue de Lyon 22
Friday 13th at 8,45 pm
Salle Pitoëff
Screening of Littoral, by Zoé Rossion in oficiel competition

Cinema department's Blog

Detailed programme
Images of the Minima cabins construction by the HEAD – Genève's students

View all of the school's events

Les cabines de Minima Cinéma
© HEAD - Genève, Dylan Perrenoud