Computerised landscape modelling

MENU Computerised landscape modelling
photo dale 4D


Development of scripts for automatic generation of digital mock-ups.

Orthophoto du Canton de Genève

Major projects

Within the framework of the major urban development projects planned by the canton of Geneva, the MIP group was asked to develop solutions for the representation of the territor

photo sig pu


Pilot project for the development of a GIS (Geographic Information System) for urban projects aimed at optimising and structuring project information in its PLQ (localized district plan) phase.

photo tosa2


Promotion of a revolutionary technology by means of an exceptional representative architecture, a challenge made to HEPIA by the TOSA consortium. 

Simulation de mobilité à la Place Bel Air

3D Mobility

Crowd simulation in intermodal mobility situations

Our group aims to implement a simulator to allow the observation of pedestrian behaviour and the iterative analysis of various travel scenarios within a multimodal transport interface.

photo gp 3D maquette num


3D/4D Digital Mockup - generate digital frameworks for the major projects of the Canton of Geneva.

Photo éoliennes

Mollendruz windfarm

Production of a communication film on the wind turbine implementation project for electrical production.