inTECH Institute

MENU inTECH Institute
Institute for Industrial Sciences and Technologies

Institute of industrial and IT engineering

The research activities of the Institute of industrial and IT engineering (inTECH) are developed in the fields of Mechanical engineering, Microengineering , Informatics and communication systems.

inTECH aims to be a partner of choice in matters of research and development for local and regional industry and for communities targeting both SME and larger companies.

inTECH also attaches particular importance to developing collaborations with academic partners in Switzerland and abroad as well as governmental institutions.

It promotes its R&D activities through technology transfers to industry (research mandates, services, Innosuisse projects, European projects, etc.) on the one hand, and through scientific publications and participation in conferences on the other.

It is also in close contact with the Advanced Technology Laboratory (LTA), enabling industrialists to express a need in terms of mandates or research.

Strategic focus


Concrete, industrializable solutions in the energy sector

Our researchers apply their expertise in fluid mechanics in wind power, hydrodynamics and aerodynamics. They are supported by laboratories and modelling tools that can be applied in a variety of fields, including buildings, the environment, sports, aeronautics and energy.

Our research activities in the field of modelling energy concepts for buildings enable us to analyse and implement solutions in favour of the energy transition, with a focus on the deployment of photovoltaics and fuel switching (switching from fossil fuels to renewable energies).

Projects linked to hydrogen management, modes of transport and the optimisation of energy storage, as well as nuclear laboratories in the field of radiation protection and environmental measurements, complete our areas of expertise.

To carry out these projects, we rely on our research groups.


Industry, a key component of the Swiss economy

To address the challenges facing industry, our research teams bring together a wide range of skills at the crossroads of mechanical, microtechnical and IT engineering. Thanks to our scientific expertise and close links with industry, we are able to develop innovative industrial systems that meet the needs of society.

Our main areas of applied research are production, instrumentation, electronics and IT.

To carry out these projects, we rely on our research groups.


Engineering for physicians and patients

Our teams apply their skills to the development of practical, industrializable solutions in the fields of biomechanics, data digitisation and interfacing, cobotics (collaborative robotics) and embedded systems.

The security of patients' personal data is playing an increasingly important role in the healthcare sector. By acquiring data and developing analysis tools, physicians are able to optimise their diagnoses and take more targeted action.

In doing so, we are enabling the Medtech, Biotech and Biomedical industries to design new processes that offer patients personalised, comfortable treatment at an affordable price.

To carry out these projects, we rely on our research groups.

Smart City

Digitalisation for an optimised quality of life

The spread of digitisation has led to the emergence of new services based on analysis and intelligence. The evolution of cities towards more intelligent and connected environments requires multidisciplinary skills in a number of areas, such as artificial intelligence (AI), cybersecurity, smart vision and cloud computing.

Our industrial and institutional partners include industrial services, transport networks and companies offering intelligent services.

To carry out these projects, we rely on our research groups, offering a broad spectrum of expertise in Smart Energy, Data science, IoT, cybersecurity and citizen comfort.


Research groups of the inTECH Institute


Head of the inTECH Institute
Adrien Roux

+41 22 546 24 16

Transition from 4 institutes to 3 institutes

In order to stimulate relevant and transdisciplinary research, the organization of research institutes has been redesigned.

  • The inSTI and inIT institutes come together under a single industrial and IT engineering institute: inTECH
  • The inTNE institute becomes the Institute Land Nature Landscape: inTNP
  • The inPACT institute is the institute for building culture, architecture, construction and territory