inTNP Institute

MENU inTNP Institute
Institute Land Nature Landscape

Institute Land Nature Landscape

The research activities of the Institute Land Nature Landscape (inTNP) are developed in the fields of agronomy and the environmental management.

Within this perimeter, cross-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary research address the development of concepts, methods and tools contributing to sustainable food production and environmental management.

InTNP regroups the applied research and service-provision activities corresponding to the three bachelor's degree curricula of HEPIA, i.e. in Nature Conservation, Agronomy and Landscape Architecture; three bachelor’s degree curricula which are unique in the HES-SO network.

Strategic focus

The development of concepts, methods and tools contributing to food production and sustainable environmental management aims to:

  • Landscape and territorial planning
  • Conservation and restoration of ecosystems (agro-, hydro-, sylvoecosystems)
  • Designing sustainable horticultural and ornamental crops
  • Deploying nature in the city, urban ecology and optimising its services
  • Integrated management of animal and plant populations
  • Diagnose, evaluate and monitor changes in the environment
  • Designing the spatial occupation of an area

Research groups of the inTNP Institute


Head of the inTNP Institute
Patrice Prunier

+41 22 546 24 16

Transition from 4 institutes to 3 institutes

In order to stimulate relevant and transdisciplinary research, the organization of research institutes has been redesigned.

  • The inSTI and inIT institutes come together under a single industrial and IT engineering institute: inTECH
  • The inTNE institute becomes the Institute Land Nature Landscape: inTNP
  • The inPACT institute is the institute for building culture, architecture, construction and territory